We met the Manav Rachna academic team, Dr Umesh Dutta and Dr Bindu , at
Speaking at the Flexitronics 2017, a well –attended academia-industry conclave on Flexible Electronics here in
I attended the FICCI 3 day workshop on GST over this weekend. Industry colleagues were
The excitement at Display week’17 was at sharp contrast to the previous years. Contrary to
In the clash between the human need for maximising benefits vs and maximizing self-esteem, the
Attended a Taiwan-India outreach program board level 20 member delegation led by Mr. T.C. Guo,
Imagine an education fountain-head that unleashes creativity and spirit of innovation in it’s students –
Pavan Gupta ji, principal of DC Model School, Sector 9, Faridabad is a neighbor –
Lessons in life from 'The (honest)truth about dishonesty' by Dan Ariely and My Personal Roadmap
Teaming to Win. Green shoots and Industry opportunity: Download the Presentation Here : Download Here