Certified NABCEP PV Associate

Dr.Ashwini K Aggarwal, PVA-061420-033215


Successfully completed the NABCEP PV Associate exam on 14th June. Post test message confirms that I passed the test – and expect to be formally included in the NABCEP directory by July’20.

Am proud that I have been adding a unique set of skills and credentials in this emerging Solar domain – with its unique promise of decentralized, green energy for the masses. Besides my PhD, I have taken a range of courses at IIT Mumbai, KWatts (startup at IIT Mumbai) from solar design to solar PV installation hands-on. The interest that started with installation of my personal solar thermal water heaters in 2008-2009 era has built up over the years because of professional interests and academic commit.

Of course, one of the prime driver for NABCEP certification was also to understand their processes and help contribute constructively to India’s Solar National Occupation Skill standards. I have recommended a similar tiered certification to enable industry relevant skills for our workforce as they go ahead in this domain.

Hope to see centers of excellence evolve with ESSCI initiative that deliver a combination of design skills with hands-on safety, installation and commissioning skills in the solar PV domain!