19th September 2019!
I faced the academic board and examiners at the Faculty of Management & Research, Aligarh Muslim University. There were researchers, faculty and my guides and the external examiners from Dubai and Delhi University. The Dean, FMSR set the ball rolling and then I was on the platform presenting my research and its findings/implications.
I had studied the purchase intent (PI) of the Indian Residential Rooftop(RT) solar buyer. Essentially, mathematically modeled the consumer behavior and the purchase triggers of the PI. The research addresses issues like – will the customer PI be triggered by telling the consumer that the RT SPV is a green product that will lower carbon emissions – or will it be triggered by telling him that the product has a very attractive price-value proposition and will give a fast pay-back – or… is there a third trigger?…
The study gave empirical evidence of there being other triggers and – something else that was latent and was the single biggest trigger of the PI for residential RT SPV. It also empirically investigated the role of the socio-demographic variables and the role of the opinion leaders – as well as the profile differences between the adopters, procrastinators and laggards.
The work was deductive, empirically positive and objective. It validated a recent technology acceptance model (2012 March) and the thesis was examined by external examiners in Dubai and DU -the original proponent of the model (single most cited author on Emerald) was also in the loop and interested but in the blind selection, the University chose the others because I guess the US professor could not travel for the viva -which was quite rigorous – and fun…
The presentation was followed by a rigorous viva but I had prepared well and it was a subject that I enjoyed. The defense was well delivered, with appropriate evidence and well received. I was also able to share a number of innovations I had used in the research – including the use of OMR forms and Endnote reference manager. I actually demonstrated the data capture from the survey forms using a HP Document scanner.
With 6 papers in international, peer-reviewed journals; a serious, original and self-propelled research effort – I earned my PhD! And I am proud that I did not take any short-cut of a paid, surrogate or a honorary degree!
In short – traveled the path with no short-cuts, enjoyed the journey & did it…