(For the uninitiated – Santa’s HO – HO -HO has been equated with the null hypothesis traditionally written as H0 in the academic circles – credit: Jorge Cham, PhD comics)! More on guides, analysis and methodology in the future tips)!
Completing my PhD in 2019, met most of my personal life fundamental targets for 2019 – and looking forward to 2020! My posts on the memoirs of the cross-eyed PhD seem to have caught an interest in the community with nearly 15000+ views… For reference of all, here are the links of the posts released – and a table of the posts planned in future..If you have suggestions on topics you want to add-on, please feel free to drop in a comment.
Oh- and I am starting a PhD ..life success group – where the posts and conversation can be collated for future reference. In case you are interested – please and send a membership request.
Have a great new year in 2020 – and may our life evolve on our defined success path!
For your easy reference, posts already Released
On Earning my PhD-a life milestone achieved!
Cross-eyed PhD : Memoirs of a PhD Survivor (Tip 1)
Cross-eyed PhD Tip 2: Synopsis
Cross-eyed PhD Tip 3: The literature review
Cross-eyed PhD Tip 4: The research topic
Cross-eyed PhD:Tip 5 Scale Creation
And planned in the future (suggestions welcome ) :
(Tip 6 Research Methodology, Tip 7 Analysis; Tip 8 Thesis Writing; Tip 9 Role of the guide ; Tip 10: Presenting the result/The Defence”
And an inspiration quote to guide you on that path!