With a national objective for the rooftop solar at 40GW and an installation base of 4.4 GW on March 31’19- it is obvious that there will be a serious push by the Government to grow the nascent rooftop solar PV market.
We are already seeing an emerging affinity from the early adaptors – which , if fanned right, can take the residential SPV on an exponential growth of market acceptance. The trick to making this happen is to have a strong, positive word-of-mouth from the early adaptors. And this can only happen if they have a good out-of-box project experience.
In my PhD study, the applicability of UTAUT model was confirmed empirically in the Indian context. ‘Effort Expectance’ was clearly a significant factor in shaping the purchase intent of the residential SPV buyer. There is an urgent need to have appropriately trained integrators at the field level that have world-class skills and demonstrated workmanship.
The technology is now generally field proven. Unfortunately, it is the actual implementation and the system integration on site that can make or break a successful SPV installation.
If we are talking of 35GW of additional RT SPV installations and if we take the average rooftop size of 5KW in the residential sector, we are talking of 70,000 sites in next 2-3 years! The Indian market needs well-trained, efficient and affordable, skilled system integrators at the field level.
It is my privilege to work with a team of industry colleagues – each a subject matter expert in solar/LED- and develop the skill standards for the nation! The revisions proposed will bring the standards on par with the global standards, add a number of relevant competences and overall make the program deliver skilled workmen for our national program and more…